[dc]D[/dc]o not worry, we’ll see Weasel and Trinkets again. Some day.

You ever get around to watching/reading/listening to something very popular and quickly understand why it’s so popular? For me, that was the Hamilton soundtrack last week. I finally, at long last, got around to listening to samples of the song on Amazon.

Behind the Scenes:  see my original drawing for this comic and more on Patreon

And, yeah, I quickly understood why it is so beloved. If you have Amazon Prime, you can listen to the entire soundtrack for free.

In this same vein, another experience like this was when I first read volume one of the Akira comics. By the end of the first page, I knew why it was a classic.

Take a chance on stuff. You just might find your new favorite thing. Like, I dunno, brussels sprouts. Sure!