[dc]O[/dc]h, Tyrion Lannister.

If only this alternate version of Westeros was what we saw each week in Game of Thrones on HBO (or read in the novels). Game of Hugs, now there is a show I want to watch.


Like most of my favorite strips, this started as a throw-away warm up drawing. The original drawing was just a plump stick figure saying the same dialogue, but I liked the joke and decided to make it an actual strip. I even used Google Image Search to find a photo of Tyrion from the show to use as a model.

I don’t know what the hell I used as a model for Tyrion’s hands though. Yeesh. (practice)

I finally watched the first season of Game of Thrones, and was immediately sucked into the world. I then downloaded the first book to my Kindle (my second Kindle purchase ever, after John Scalzi’s delightful Redshirts) and tore through it (although, I quickly tired of reading ‘boiled leather’). In both the Game of Thrones TV series and the first A Song of Fire and Ice book, Tyrion Lannister is hands down my favorite character.

I’m taking a breather from the series after the first book (to borrow a phrase from a friend, the first book ‘took a lot of unpacking.’), but I look forward to starting A Clash of Kings soon.

And, I will probably just buy the second season when it comes out.