clattetron header logo thing

Man, really. Think about it! Taken from this comic.

[dc]A[/dc]fter my recent iBook death, I was super-worried I would hit a comic-making roadblock.

Mainly, my not being able shell out $700 for Photoshop on top of paying for a new MacBook (I gots a hitchin’ ring to pay off too, y’all).

I was also worried my scanner would not work with my new gear either. A lack of Photoshop I can work around, but not having a scanner would have been a major pain. Yes, I could have shot photos with my DSLR, but it would be a hassle (however, I have read plenty of comics posted online in such a manner).

I can now say both of my issues have been addressed, and my comic production should continue without a missed strip (I uploaded this week’s and next week’s before the iBook died).

First, I downloaded the trial version of Photoshop Elements, just to see if it could do what I needed for the comics. In a perfect world, I would love to have full blown Photoshop again, but that isn’t an option at the moment. $100, give or take, is an easier pill to swallow than $700 (both prices may actually be less. I need to see if I can get an education discount for teaching Evening College courses at Michigan State University).

It took a lot of stumbling around (I am use to Photoshop CS. Yes, the first one), I figured out how to do all of the same tricks (or a close approximation) in Photoshop Elements 10.

I also found drivers for my scanner.

Now: time to draw some comics this weekend. Not knowing if I could actually edit the things took the jelly out of my creative donut this past week (…what?), but now I am happy to get back to drawing.

Which is good, because of I have plenty of dumb jokes I need to get out of my head.

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Daniel J. Hogan is a fount of dumb jokes. Follow him on Twitter, @danieljhogan.