Friday Six: Last Minute Wedding Weekend Edition
[dc]T[/dc]oday on the Friday Six: Wedding updates (Sunday! Sunday Sunday!), Social Media and blogging tips from The Bloggess, Zen Pencils’ Bill Waterson and Ira Glass quotes comics, and a Something Blue TARDIS shirt.
[ ] Stephanie and I are gettin’ hitched on Sunday, which means my time for bloggin’ and comicin’ is pretty limited. I had plans for a comic on Monday, but we’ll see if I’ll get it finished in time (like with any big event, things just keep popping up).
[ ] I finished our wedding programs! I couldn’t tell you how many hours I spent sketching, inking, and laying out our programs, but they turned out great. Like with the wedding invitations and Save the Dates I drew, if I charged myself my hourly rate, I couldn’t afford it. I’ll have photos up post-wedding (along with the wedding invitations and Save the Dates).
[ ] Geek Thing of the Week! This Doctor Who Something Blue V-Neck Babydoll!
It features a TARDIS and bears the words, “Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue.”
How appropriate for a wedding related post, right? I’ll say this: I will be wearing a bow tie for the wedding. BECAUSE IT IS WHAT THE BRIDE WANTS AND HEAVEN HELP YOU IF…ahem, I mean, because bow ties are cool and Stephanie’s favorite Doctor is Matt Smith. Yes.
[ ] Speaking of wedding programs, we caught a lucky break yesterday. Stephanie and I planned on folding all 175 programs by hand, until the print shop said:
Print Shop: “We can fold your wedding programs for you with our folding machine.”
Me: “How much?”
Print Shop: “Three cents a sheet.”
Me: “Shut up and take my money.”
Six dollars and change WELL spent. They even finished folding them ahead of schedule.
[ ] The Bloggess shares her 15 things you absolutely must know about social media or your face will melt off and get eaten by goats. It is a great list, especially her thoughts on blogging and SEO. And why aren’t you reading her site already?
[ ] While the Zen Pencils’ Bill Waterson “A cartoonist’s advice” quote comic made the social media rounds this week, another of the strips really spoke to me. It was an Ira Glass quote on advice for beginners, and explains why I started making my own comics: you just have to start. Give yourself a deadline (in my case, every week) and crank out a story (comic for me) each week—just so you can get something done.
Of my nearly 80 comic strips to date, there are maybe ten I’m super-happy with, if that. I’m putting in the work though, and I’m getting better. If I didn’t push myself to finish a comic every week, I might have finished ten strips over the past year and change, instead of over 70. Heck, No Filter Fox, now a comic strip regular, didn’t even show up until after 40+ comics—and he’s in some of my most-read comics.
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