Friday Six: Kaiju Shirt, New Smartphone, World Building, WordPress Lunch ‘n Learn, Church of Comedy, Gym Time
[dc]T[/dc]oday on the Friday Six: A new smartphone, Diesel Sweeties on world building, a Pacific Rim t-shirt, WordPress lunch n’ learn, church of comedy, and gettin’ some exercise.
[ ] New smartphone ahoy. I went with the Samsung Galaxy S4 for my latest upgrade/new contract.

Ring a ding ding, baby. Image via Amazon.
I’ll write about the phone more later, but I enjoy the S4 thus far. It came down to the Galaxy S4 or the HTC One, and my already having a previous Galaxy swayed me back to Samsung. The price of the S4 nearly steered me away (even though my new contract gave me a significant price break), but I know I will get my money’s worth.
[ ] Geek Thing of the Week: This Kaiju Wave Pacific Rim t-shirt by BustedTees.

Elbow rocket not included. Image via Busted Tees.
[ ] If you are a member of the Central Michigan Chapter of the Public Relations Society of America, I’m speaking at a lunch ‘n learn session next Friday (Oct. 4, 12 PM to 1:15 PM). I will talk about the differences between using self-hosted WordPress and blogging with I’ll share some other blogging tips and advice too. Like cat photos. ALWAYS CAT PHOTOS
[ ] Two days later, I’m performing ten minutes of stand up comedy at the Church of Comedy event at The Avenue Cafe here in Lansing (Oct. 6th, show starts at 6 PM and goes until 8 PM–Free!). I hope I don’t mix up my lunch ‘n learn notes with my stand up notes (although, I am planning on a casual approach to the lunch ‘n learn, but minus ‘women be shoppin’ jokes).
[ ] Diesel Sweeties with yet another brilliant, spot-on strip–this one is about ‘world building.’ This strip sums up everything running through my mind all day, everyday.
[ ] Stephanie and I joined the Y this week (as in YMCA gym, not Yahoo!). Not a moment too soon either. I weighed myself for the first time post-wedding the other night, and well, maybe Grandma was right.
Affiliate Plug: Outdoor Halloween Decorations on Amazon