More Signs You Might Have an Awkward Thanksgiving
[dc]A[/dc]nother year, another Thanksgiving. Yes, spending time with distant relations usually leads to all kind of family awkwardness. Here are more signs you might have an awkward Thanksgiving this year (see also last year’s Signs You Might Have an Awkward Thanksgiving).

Mom went for a Game of Thrones inspired menu for this Thanksgiving. Photo via ThinkGeek.
More Signs You Might Have an Awkward Thanksgiving Dinner
- Dad considers Blurred Lines on repeat ‘Thanksgiving dinner music.’
- Uncle Tim only refers to the President as ‘Barack Hussein Obamacare.’
- Cousin Walter is a Wal-Mart Wolverine and Cousin Trav is a Target Spartan.
- Cousin Bingo won’t stop mentioning Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones spoilers.
- Your little sister insists on Instragramming her food after each bite.
- Uncle Jack was the inspiration for Bad Santa.
- The ratio of Duck Dynasty t-shirts to dress shirts is 6 to 1.

Maybe I’ll stay home this year. Image via Amazon.
- All the Baby Boomers insist on having seconds before any of the Millennials can have firsts.
- Your brother keeps reading BuzzFeed lists about 90s nostalgia. Out loud. In his Steve Urkel voice.
- All the blinking Bluetooth headsets make the dining room look like a rave.
- Every corner of the house is filled with ‘sleeping’ taxidermy pets.
- Cousin Franky won’t stop watching PlayStation 4 unboxing videos.
- Your little cousins want to play Angry Birds with the turkey and the ham.
- Aunt Joanna won’t stop talking about her X-Files fan fiction, which features Mulder’s new partner, Joanna Scully.
- Grandpa’s favorite movie is Last Tango in Paris.
- Uncle Jerry’s spirit animal is Toronto mayor, Rob Ford.
- Cousin Lester keeps using ‘literally’ in every sentence, but pronounces it ‘LIGHTER-lly.’
- Aunt Miko only speaks in Elvish.
- Dessert is chocolate-covered bugs.

No thanks, I don’t eat anything with a thorax. Image via ThinkGeek.
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