Friday Six All Up In Here
[dc]I[/dc] hope you all enjoyed your Christmases. And if you didn’t celebrate Christmas, I hope you enjoyed your week. Enjoyment all around! On to the Friday Six: a list of six links, thoughts, or other stuff.
[ ] Geek Thing of the Week: This Doctor Who Dalek Eye Stalk Flashlight.

ILLUMINATE! Image via ThinkGeek.
Yes, EXTERMINATE the dark with this darling flashlight. Affix it (responsibly) to your forehead and pretend you are a Dalek (now there’s a way to get out of jury duty).
[ ] Hey! Listen!: I was a guest on the Montreal Sauce podcast.
Listen to the podcast to learn a bit about self-publishing, comedy & ad revenue.
Thanks to Chris and Paul for having me on the show. I miss being on a talk show–but I don’t miss the production side of things. Good times, and good chats. Montreal Sauce on iTunes.
I’m game to appear on a podcast and talk about whatever if any other shows are looking for guests. Skype is a fun thing.
[ ] Hogan’s Alley: I will be appearing in Artist’s Alley at the Michigan State University Comics Forum on Sat., February 22nd. Expect more posts about this soon as I figure out what to sell, etc.
[ ] Rock and/or Roll: Listening to my vinyl copy of the Rolling Stones’ Tattoo You while I type this post. Yes, I cleaned my office and became inspired to dust off my turntable and flip through my LPs. One thing I like about listening to an album on vinyl is, I can’t skip tracks (easily), so I listen to the entire album (or at least a whole side) in one sitting. Speaking of, time to flip to Side Two.
[ ] Uncle Scrooge! The A.V. Club on DuckTales and Disney’s golden age of TV animation. Seriously, DuckTales is a great show and holds up incredibly well compared to other (non-Disney) shows of the time. The big take away from the article is: DuckTales wasn’t meant as a show to sell toys–it focused on story, not selling.
Rather than creating a show designed to sell toys or act as a lengthy commercial for some other property, DuckTales was meant to tell entertaining stories that would establish Disney as a place for a more sophisticated kind of children’s storytelling. – Todd VanDerWerff
[ ] Make something! Speaking of comic merch, Ryan Estrada with How to Make and Sell Ebooks of Your Comics in Like 12 1/2 Seconds. Seriously, this is a very helpful tutorial and it can apply to more than just comics (writing, photos, whatever).
Today’s Amazon Deals and ThinkGeek Deals
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