Friday Six What Your Mama Gave Ya
[dc]I[/dc] don’t even know what day it is anymore. But, I think it is Friday. Time for a list of six links, thoughts, or other stuff.
[ ] Hey! Listen! I began listening to a couple of recommended podcasts. The first was, Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History recommended by Marek vs. Wyshynski host, Jeff Marek. If you are a fan of history, give Hardcore History a listen. Fascinating stuff (I listened to the five-part Wrath of the Khans series—worth a listen).
From Carlin’s website:
“Hardcore History” is a completely new type of media production where the past is dissected and often twisted or turned upside down in an attempt to gain perspective on what happened in history and why it matters today. Carlin approaches the subject matter as a “fan” of history and often emphasizes the drama of events, eras, circumstances and personalities in ways that are novel and intriguing. –
The other new listen is the much ballyhooed Welcome to Night Vale. After two episodes, I’m hooked. It is my kind of weird. Welcome to Night Vale is a kinda like if Twin Peaks and The X-Files had a baby in the form of an NPR news show.
From the website:
WELCOME TO NIGHT VALE is a twice-monthly podcast in the style of community updates for the small desert town of Night Vale, featuring local weather, news, announcements from the Sheriff’s Secret Police, mysterious lights in the night sky, dark hooded figures with unknowable powers, and cultural events.
Turn on your radio and hide. –
I realize I am “late to the party” with Welcome to Night Vale, but better late than never.
[ ] Geek Thing of The Week: this Epic Beards from The Hobbit t-shirt from ThinkGeek.

Beards! Image via ThinkGeek.
Now you have no excuse when it comes to time to take your Beard Test (spelling counts).
[ ] Gold Under Them Thar Hills: Speaking of The Hobbit, I saw The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug a couple of weeks ago. I enjoyed the film, and probably a bit more than the first installment, but like the first film, Desolation of Smaug felt overstuffed. And yet, it made for a fun fantasy film. The cliff hanger ending is intense though.
I also don’t really care for the overuse of CGI orcs in this series. I loved the practical effects for (most) of the orcs/goblins in Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings trilogy. Yet, they seem almost non-existent in The Hobbit films.
[ ] Send Heat: I’m sick of this crazy winter weather. Is it Spring yet? Michigan winters make me a hermit December through mid-March, and I’ve made peace with this fact. Still, I miss the sun—and positive degree temperatures, especially after my Winter Classic misadventure. I joked with a friend about moving to Texas, and he said, “Yeah, but they have scorpions and shit there.”
A valid point.
[ ] Gremlins, Kate: Multiplex featured a darling Gremlins spoofing comic this week. Bravo. The sixth panel just about killed me. So funny.
[ ] Grow Your Own: The passing of acting legend Peter O’Toole ushered forth a slew of lesser known/under appreciated film recommendations on social media and listicles. One such recommendation I saw on Twitter was 1985’s Creator.

Yeah, that’s a cigar. Image via Amazon.
O’Toole plays a doctor trying to clone his dead wife. Yes (and it is a comedy). The rest of the plot involves some grad assistant related shenanigans, but it is a cute, if quirky, film. O’Toole makes Creator worth a watch on his own. Other recommended viewings: My Favorite Year and The Stunt Man.
[ ] Let’s Wrap (Up):
- Monday’s comic told you I take Grandma’s desserts seriously.
- Old middle school and high school art projects are a cache of hilarity.
- Want prints of (select) Clattertron comic strips? Now you can buy ’em! (More will be made available as I have time)
- Monday Links and News on
Today’s Amazon Deals and ThinkGeek Deals
Affiliate Plug: Doctor Who Adipose Plush on ThinkGeek