[dc]I[/dc] enjoy most board games. Said games are a great way to bond with friends, family, and as Stephanie and I learned recently: pets.

Yes. Our cat Rags decided he wanted to play Scrabble with us. Bless his little, fuzzy, mischief filled heart.

Fun is Spelled S-C-R-A-B-B-L-E

Scrabble is a favorite game of mine, as are most words games (like Bananagrams, and lying to children). It took some arm-twisting to get Stephanie to agree to play, as her favorite game is watch reality TV—I mean, Qwirkle.

I set up the Scrabble board while Rags watched from the comfort of his box, his eyes darting side to side. Everything was fine, until I set down the Bag of Letters.

Trouble is Spelled R-A-G-S

The instant I set down the bag of Scrabble letter tiles, Rags sat up and pounced.

cat scrabble


“No!” I yelled as Rags attacked the bag, batting at it like it was a wounded rodent.

cat scrabble

The bag’s blood is letter tiles D:

Tiles scattered across the table. I groaned. Stephanie laughed. So much for a quiet game of Scrabble. After attacking the bag and tiles, Rags decided to lay down on the Scrabble board.

cat scrabble


Nice work, Rags. I shook my head while Rags lounged on a bed of Triple Word score and Double Letter score spaces. This did not put an end to his attacking the tiles either.

 Scrabble Cat Shaming

I managed to swipe a few letter tiles from the cat-Smaug’s horde and quickly do a bit of cat shaming.

scrabble cat

One bad kitty.

I wanted to find the C, A, and T letter tiles too, but it wasn’t worth a scratched hand. BAD would suffice.

Game On, Eventually

We coaxed Rags back into his box and finally played our game of Scrabble. Stephanie gained an early lead, but I caught up, and the score was neck and neck for most of the game.¹

Until Stephanie played a Q-U word on a Triple Word score tile on her last turn. ::shakes fist::

 That Darn Cat

It is difficult to really get mad at Rags for his Scrabble insurrection. He was just playing, so no harm done, and it isn’t like he attacked the board late in the game.

Rags is just lucky we weren’t playing Risk

¹ We even had a few word challenges too. Stephanie did not like my play of JAPED. “Read more Game of Thrones,” I told her. But, a quick scan of a dictionary settled our debate. Yes, an actual physical dictionary. We decided to avoid Internet dictionaries.

² As if Stephanie would ever agree to play Risk anyway.

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