[dc]L[/dc]ook, we’ve all had a long week. Let us unwind with a photo of our cats, Nigel and Rags, sharing a bit of yarn.
I got the boys to play a bit of tug-o-war with each other, using this length of yarn. It was too cute. Nigel rarely plays with cat toys, but string always gets his attention, at least for a little while. Rags, on the other hand (paw?), will get toys out of cat toy box when boredom strikes.
One of the first things Rags did when we introduced him to Nigel was walk over to the cat toy box and start pulling out toys. Nigel was all kinds of confused.
Rags’ favorite cat toy at the moment is this Ethical Mini Skinneeez Chicken 13-Inch Stuffingless Dog Toy.

Cock-a-doodle…meow? Image via Amazon.
Yes, it is ‘meant’ for dogs, but Rags loves it just the same. He attacks the chicken, throws it around, carries it like prey. Too cute. Our li’l chubby predator.
Enjoy your weekend.