Friday Six: Sharing Buttons, Godzilla, FCBD, Star Wars, Ico, Chrono Trigger
[dc]S[/dc]weet-Mother-of-Batman, it is May! The month, not the Peter Parker aunt. April felt like it lasted forever.
The Friday Six is back, kids: six (give or take) things on my mind or links worth sharing. Because everyone loves lists and bullet points.
[ ] Look At This
Star Wars Millennium Falcon Windshield Sunshade by ThinkGeek

“Never tell me where to turn.” Image via ThinkGeek.
This is WAY cooler than the sunshade I made of duct tape and pizza boxes.
[ ] Sharing is Caring?
I know various blogging/social media gurus trumpet the importance of social media sharing buttons on a website. I don’t really ever use them though—except to share my stuff, usually on my phone.
Do you use the social media share buttons on a post?
If I want to share something via Facebook or Twitter, I typically use the ol’ Copy and Paste.This might be a throwback to The Olden Days when this was the only option. Old habits die-hard, as they say.
Sure, there isn’t a reason not to include the sharing buttons on a post, but I find myself tweaking those a lot (I said tweaking not twerking), namely finding a better WordPress plugin.
I’m always looking for better WordPress plugins.
[ ] Rar!
I’m super excited about the new Godzilla film coming out this month. /Film posted the latest international trailer and I’m giddy.
Speaking of big monsters, I ordered one of my Big Monster shirts from Society6 to test the quality, and it turned out great.

I’m a shirt! Via my society6 store.
I’ll do a full blog post about Society6 t-shirts soon, but I’m in love. With a shirt.
[ ] So Many Free Comics, So Little Time
A nice write-up about the Free Comic Book Day event at Clem’s Comics & Games in the Lansing State Journal. The artists appearing, including myself, get a mention in the article—always a plus. I’ll be at Clem’s 8 AM to 11 AM.
[ ] Save Point
Gamer pal Sara Clemens’ (Videodame) Ico post, The Sound and Fury, got a mention on Critical Distance (which in turn led to me getting some traffic). Hooray for group blogging projects.
[ ] X-Strike
I really want to play through Chrono Trigger again. I read up on the game while working on my latest Ico post and it gave me, The Hunger.

Frog! Image via Amazon.
I still have my SNES and my original Chrono Trigger cartridge, but I’m considering buying the Nintendo DS port. I don’t think I would write about playing through the game, BUT, who knows. Maybe. I still need to finish my Ocarina of Time project.
I probably played through Chrono Trigger about a half-dozen times, but mainly using the New Game+ feature. Playing the game again with a fresh slate could be fun.
What do I mean, could be? It will be. Chrono Trigger is one of my favorite video games of all time, and certainly my favorite RPG.
[ ] Wrap Up
- This week’s Comic: Corn Dogs
- Blog Post: Free Comic Book Day is This Saturday! See Me at Clem’s Comics & Games in Lansing
- Blog Post: May the Fourth Be With You: Star Wars Day is This Weekend
- Blog Post: Project Ico, Part 4: Almost There
[ ] Clattertron Rewind
A Year Ago: Free Comic Book Day Minicomics
Two Years Ago: I Finally Watched My Little Pony: Frienship Is Magic