Friday Six: Gilbert Gottfried’s Podcast, LEGO, Star Wars, Handmade Marketplace, Surface Pro 3
[dc]S[/dc]ince I moved my weekly newsletter to Sundays, I have time to bring back the Friday Six. Hooray. Six (give or take) things on my mind or links worth sharing. Because everyone loves lists and bullet points.
[ ] Listen to This
I started listening to Gilbert Gottfried’s Amazing Colossal Podcast, and I cannot recommend it highly enough. Hilarious. I learned about it via the hockey podcast Marek vs. Wyshynski ( also worth a listen for hockey fans).
[ ] Look at This
A Build-on Brick Light Switch (for LEGO and other blocky good times). Finally, a reason to cover the dangling, sparking wires in my walls.

Now I can build that sideways castle. Image via Amazon.
[ ] Speed of Light
While watching Return of the Jedi over the weekend, Stephanie asked: “How fast can the Millennium Falcon go anyway?” I quickly responded, “She’ll make point 5 past light speed.”
This was the wrong answer, because she wanted specifics. However, it was less wrong than “She’s fast enough for you, old man,” because calling my wife¹ ‘old man’ is never a good play. Regardless, Stephanie spent the next few minutes researching the Millennium Falcon’s speed via her phone.
[ ] Handmade
I picked up The Handmade Marketplace by Kari Chapin at my library last week.

Make stuff, sell stuff. Image via Amazon.
The Handmade Marketplace features advice for crafters and artists selling their wares online and in person. I’m always looking to learn more about selling my art, and this book offered some great tips and suggestions.
[ ] Pork Futures
Stephanie and I also watched The LEGO Movie over the weekend (her first time) and I spotted a visual gag I didn’t notice the first time: a LEGO pig falls off the train in the Old West segment and shatters into several LEGO sausages. Hilarious. I love that kinda stuff.
[ ] Working Late
Since switching to the Microsoft Surface Pro 3 for making comics, I noticed I’m much more likely to work on a comic, or a drawing, at random times–even late at night. Before, when I only worked on paper, I would never work on a comic late in the evening–unless it was Sunday evening. Tuesday night, I figured out how to draw something for next week’s comic, and despite it being nearly 11 PM², I fired up my Surface and went to work.
[ ] Wrap Up
This week’s Comic: Multiple Choice Comics 2
Blog Post: Behind the Scenes: Sketching, Drawing, Inking, and Coloring in Manga Studio
[ ] Clattertron Rewind
A Year Ago: Be Our (Single) Guest
Two Years Ago: She Shot Down My Idea for a Back to the Future Wedding
¹ My wIIIiiiIIfffFFFeeeEEEEee
² Yes, I realize this is when some artists start working on comics.