[dc]W[/dc]ell, it’s been a fun couple of days. Except different! On Tuesday afternoon, all of my websites experienced a melt-down. Technical, I know.

Via my Instagram
Something happened which caused my websites to use too much computery-stuff, and my host shut down my websites because it was affecting the other sites on the server. Don’t blame ’em for that, I get it.
It took a bit longer to get this worked out than I would have liked (part of that was me, as I didn’t really get a chance to focus on it until the next evening). But, everything should be OK now. Should.
This meant some changes to clattertron.com, danieljhogan.com, and magicofeyri.com (my novel/podcast). Nothing major, mostly cosmetic and behind the scenes. Comments here are off, probably for good, because that seemed to be causing one of the issues.
I don’t know?
The important thing is, my websites are up and running again. It was a scary 24+ hours. I think what caused the main issue here, a WordPress specific problem, should be fixed. There were too many WP-Crons going on! Whatever that means. Tech support from my host did a bit of code magic to stop that from happening again.
The upside is, it forced me to finally update a few things which needed updating, and to cut some plugins I didn’t really need.