resident evil 4 items

Go fish.

[dc]I[/dc]‘m pretty familiar with the broad strokes of Resident Evil 4, but there are little things I forgot about since my last time playing.

Like Resident Evil 4’s “fishing mini-game,” for one.

Resident Evil 4 Fishing

And by fishing, I mean shoot fish with the handgun while standing in a pool of gross sewer water. Leon can eat the fish to restore health, but as much as I like bass, I don’t think I would eat these.

It isn’t really a mini-game, of course. You just shoot fish as they swim past, hoping to nab the hefty Black Bass (L) and its smaller cohorts.

It is easier than the fishing in other games, like say Breath of Fire IV—which I still need to finish, by the way (it was a 90 cent download in the PlayStation store, and I’m a sucker for JRPGs).

Oh snap. I just remembered!

I didn’t stop playing Uncharted 3 to play Dragon Age II, I stopped Uncharted 3 to play Dragon Age Origins, then I stopped playing Breath of Fire IV to play Dragon Age II. Sorry, Drake. Didn’t realize it was so long ago.

But anyway: fish.

I wish you could use the fish like a weapon, perhaps like the guy from The Muppets? You can apparently throw chicken eggs at baddies. Why not fish?

Leon’s New Bag

Somehow, I managed to scrape enough money together to go back to the merchant and buy the Attache Case M, even after buying the rifle and its first capacity upgrade.

Just about, anyway.

To close the gap of a few hundred ptas., I needed to sell six rounds of handgun ammo. Not a big deal, and now I can hold more stuff. I did some research, and everything I read said buy any case upgrade as soon as you can.

This investment quickly started to pay off, as the larger case allowed me to haul back the Black Bass (L) to the merchant for sale (fetching me 2300 ptas.). I decided to hang on to the smaller black bass for now, if I need the health.

Spacial Relationships

I don’t devote too much brain power to the logic of Leon fitting a shotgun, a rifle, a handgun, ammo for each, and various healing items (including a large bass) in a case and carrying it around…in his pocket? To paraphrase Mystery Science Theater 3000, “It’s just a game.” ::relax::

It would be funny to watch Leon carrying around an actual case. Or drag, probably. Or it’s some kind of magical pack of holding case, which given the other supernatural elements of the game is totally OK to me.

Imagine the look of horror on someone’s face when Leon reaches into his pocket and pulls out a rocket launcher as long as he is tall.

I think Uncharted 3 did a good job of solving this issue. Drake can only carry a handgun and a single two-handed rifle/shotgun at the same time. That’s it. And you see the weapons on him too.


It says a lot about a video game when upon entering a room for the first time in years I instantly had a wave of panic wash over me. “Oh no,” I thought. “Bad things happened here.” The area actually ended up not being a problem—I chalk this up to having played way more games as of late hen I when I played RE 4 for the first (and second) time. I’m in better “game shape,” I suppose.

Or, perhaps I revisit this area later, when it is much crazier and that’s what I remembered. Or it just reminds me of a crazier part of the chapter further into the story. ::shudder::

What’s Next?

I just left the valley and had the cut scene run in with the village chief (The Big Cheese) in the house beyond the waterway/sewer part.

Extra Life

I’m playing games for the Extra Life charity next month (money raised goes to the Sparrow Children’s Center here in Lansing). Please pledge to me if you can, any amount helps.