Great news! I got the revised proof copy of the Foxes & Boxes book a few days ago, and it is ready for print! The full title is: Foxes & Boxes Volume One: No Refunds! It collects the first 98 pages of my weekly comic on (I’m currently on page 128 as of this writing).
Foxes & Boxes Vol. 1 Ver 2.0
I had to make some changes to the text on the front and back covers, and add text to the spine.

I didn’t plan a wrap around cover at first, but I’m glad I ended up with one.
I had to make the back text easier to read. The wraparound cover is great, but obscured the text a bit.
Putting text on the spine was a guessing game when it came to font size and placement. Thankfully, I made it the correct size.
Buy It Soon-ish
I submitted the book for review for sale on Amazon, so (fingers crossed) it should be available for sale very soon. While the Foxes & Boxes book will be for sale on Amazon, I do plan on having copies for sale at these upcoming event listed below. If you can hold out, I recommend buying from me in person because a) I get more for in person sales and b) I can sign/sketch inside your copy. (The price will be the same in person as on Amazon, $20).
- May 3rd : Arts Night Out: Cravings Popcorn*
- May 24th – 26th: Cherry Capital Comic Con
- July 20th: Really Cool Comic Con
- July 27th – 28th: Get Geek’d Expo
*(assuming my copies arrive in time, which they should, but…)
You probably noticed I don’t have East Lansing Art Festival or West Shore Art fair on the list. Well, I can’t sell printed books there because that’s not what I applied to bring. Art festivals and art fairs have their own rules, and in my case I can only sell original art (or limited prints of original pieces I am selling). Not a big deal though! I don’t mind these limitations because it gets me to crank out more original art.
Thanks and More Thanks
A big load of thanks to comic pals Ryan Claytor and Jay Jacot for their help with this book. This was a huge learning experience, and I can’t thank Ryan and Jay enough for their help with the desktop publishing side of things (and more thanks to Jay for coloring the cover).
Additional thanks go to Jeffrey J. Manley, and Lisa Naffziger for their delightful blurbs on the back cover.