There’s nothing wrong with that sinister smile. Nope.

CMPL Comic Con This Saturday

If you came out to the April Pop Up on Saturday, thank you! If you missed it, you can see me at the Clinton Macomb Public Library (CMPL) Comic Con this Saturday! It is a free event, and kid/family friendly, so please stop by if you are in the area. I will have some new stuff for sale!

Buy Me a Coffee with Ko-Fi

I set up a Ko-Fi account as another way for fans to support me. It is basically the same thing as my PayPal tip jar button, but it has better branding, and I can auto send thank you notes with an Etsy discount code. Plus, I can post stuff to my Ko-Fi page for readers to check out.

Fans can “buy me a coffee,” which is a $3 donation (and can buy multiple coffees at once). Unlike other services, Ko-Fi doesn’t take a cut, which is nice. It connects right to my PayPal, which is easy. To use some groan worthy jargon, I like the “optics” and “branding” of Ko-Fi and saying “buy me a coffee!” more than the PayPal tip jar.

Don’t worry, my Patreon isn’t going away, and that’s still the best way to support me on a regular basis (and the best options for fans, because they get more stuff). Ko-Fi is like a one-shot Patreon, which I like.

Thanks to everyone for your support!

Related Foxes & Boxes Comics

Foxes and Boxes – 8, Foxes & Boxes – 13, Foxes & Boxes – 79

Comic Transcript: Foxes & Boxes – 83

::Day time. A corner of a building in Floz::

::Stomper peeks around the corner::

::Stomper looks down at the paper they found in the goblin cave::

::close up of the paper, showing Hammer’s Nails name at the top::

::Stomper flashes a sinister grin::

::A view of the outside of Hammer’s Nails guild house.::