Stupid Autocorrect
[dc]Y[/dc]es, there is a Pokagon State Park. It is a very nice place for camping too, and yes, I know the name is not pronounced like Pokémon. PO-KAY-GEN not POKE-A-GON. Unless the Mid-West accent altered yet another Native American word.
Stephanie and I camped at Pokagon State Park a few weekends back and really enjoyed ourselves. I usually only camp at Michigan State Parks, so camping in Indiana was different. Good different.
The painted the color panels with my trusty palette of watercolor paint. It was a fun extra thing to do for the comic, but I’m still figuring out a better clean-up process. My main issue with the blue lead I use to draw the comic.
Normally, I just kill the color channels in Photoshop and the blue goes away. Well, the same trick doesn’t work when you are using watercolor paint (or any color paint, really). This means blue lines remaining in the colored panels. Not that I don’t do my best to erase the lines–I’m searching for a better method, as my kneaded eraser doesn’t work too well.
I could draw the colored panels in 2H lead. Hmm. Or, just color the comic in Manga Studio–which I own, and still need to learn.
Stephanie never saw a Snorlax before this comic, which was a last-minute add.

Zzzzz. Image via Amazon.
My original plan was just The Big Three Pokémon (Bulbasaur, Squirtle, and Charmander) along with Pikachu.
But inspiration struck, and Snorlax joined the party.