[dc]T[/dc]his week (give or take) marks the first year anniversary of Clattertron, at least in concept.
Clattertron.com is not exactly a year old yet, I believe that will be in April or so. But, last January I began blogging with a humor focus on danieljhogan.com, followed by my comic strips, both of which I eventually moved here.
Regardless of the actual timeline, the past ‘year’ has been educational. Heck, Clattertron wasn’t even Clattertron at first. It had a different name, which I am glad I changed (it was dumb, and not very search engine friendly. Stephanie told me right away it was dumb, and I was a fool not to listen).
Even after (roughly) a year, I’m still tweaking this site and what I want to do. The comics are here to stay, as is the humor writing. The trick is finding a good balance between the two (and balancing everything else in my life). In some ways, I am still figuring out my ‘style’ and ‘voice’ with the comics and the humor writing, but I’m happy with what I have cranked out so far. Very few creations are a home run right out of the gate, aside from notable exceptions such as Firefly and ALF.