[dc]J[/dc]ust when editing my novel was going great, my six year old iBook decided it did not want to start up. Perhaps ever again.
For those wondering, I typed this post on my Android phone via the WordPress app.
This throws a huge roadblock in my editing, and I am now two days behind. I am taking my iBook to a Mac shop tomorrow, but I fear the worst.
Luckily, I email myself self a backup copy of the book after working on it each day (a practice I strongly recommend). Either my current laptop will be fixed, or I will buy finance a new in the next few days.
Hooray, more debt.
I was planning on getting a new machine eventually, but I had hoped I could wait until I paid off Steph’s engagement ring. Oh well.
Not how I expected my weekend to go.
The other issue is, I cannot work on anything else in the meantime: comics, podcasts, update websites, or even pay bill (easily, anyway. Some I can manage via my phone).
The silver lining is, if I have to get a new machine, well, it is about time. I couldn’t update Firefox and certain plugins any more, and I couldn’t install Chrome.
My plan was to use my iBook until it died, and it looks like that day is here.
Daniel J. Hogan now owns a great looking paperweight. Follow him on Twitter, @danieljhogan.