Beyond the Peaks
Big news! The wait is over! Other exclamations! My first solo art exhibition, Found Cartoons, is all set up and open to the public. The opening reception is this Friday evening at the Arts Council of Greater Lansing office (where the art is on display).
The opening reception kicks off at 5PM at 1208 Turner Street in Lansing’s Old Town and goes until 7PM. All of my work will be for sale (except for a piece I already sold on Monday!). Any pieces purchased will remain on display until April 29th.
But, that’s not all!
There will be snacks and drinks for those who attend. And, I will have other items for sale, like greeting cards and matted 4×6 original watercolor cartoons–including this year’s 100 Day Project cartoons.
Here is my artist statement for Found Cartoons:
“I call this exhibition “Found Cartoons,” because that is how the images were made–they were “found.” I started with random watercolor shapes and then “found” an image in the colorful chaos after turning the paper this way and that.
Then, using ink to define shapes I saw within the paint, I made a cartoon. I didn’t lay down paint with an idea of what I would draw ahead of time. The final images are the results of using my imagination and creativity to find a hidden treasure within the paint.
For some pieces, I did go back after defining shapes with ink and added more paint here and there. I did this to add more definition and further evolve the cartoon into a finished work. I only added paint on top of a previous layer, I didn’t change the overall shape of my starting image.
I really enjoy this creative exercise, because I never know what I will end up with, and I love watching the image evolve and change.”
Please come to the opening reception this Friday if you can. If you can’t make it, the exhibition is open to the public Monday through Friday, 9AM – 5PM. To purchase a piece after the opening reception, just contact me (my contact info is on the tag for each piece).