Via elartfest.com.
Big, big, news: I applied to be an Emerging Artist at this year’s East Lansing Art Festival, and I got in! This is a huge show and amazing opportunity to show-off my cartooning to a new audience.
Note: this post first appeared on my portfolio site, danieljhogan.com.
Emerging Artist: What Is It?
The Emerging Artist portion of the East Lansing Art Festival is a chance for, yes, an emerging artist to get a booth. It is the ELAF’s way of getting new artists exhibiting at fine art shows. “Emerging” in terms of this festival means either a current or recently graduated art student, or an artist who has never appeared in a fine arts show (and might be self-taught).
I’m obviously in the latter category of “never done a fine art show and is self-taught.”
Here’s what the ELAF website says:
The East Lansing Art Festival’s Emerging Artist program encourages future art festival exhibitors by giving up-and-coming artists an opportunity to be awarded free space to exhibit among seasoned artists in a nationally renowned top 200 fine art festival setting.
So, yes, I got a free spot at a big Fine Arts festival! This is very different from a comic show, and that means I will have to rework the presentation of my art a bit.
More Good News (Everyone)
Before I forget, my wife Stephanie (aka Steph Joy Hogan) also got in as an Emerging Artist! Hooray! Stephanie pushed me to apply to this show in the first place, so this is all her fault.