Want to Support Clattertron and Foxes & Boxes?
There are a few ways to help me pay the bills (and keep the cats fed).
- Become a Clattertron and Foxes & Boxes patron on Patreon. You pledge a certain amount of money each month, and you get different rewards. Pledge $1, $3, $5, $10, or $20 a month to unlock different rewards. Patreon is a great way to directly support my making comics.
- Buy something from my Society6 shop. I sell art prints, t-shirts, mugs, and other items.
- Buy a copy of my Young Adult fantasy novel, The Magic of Eyri. It is not a comic book, but still fun to read. Available through Amazon (only buying a new copy helps me).
- Shop on Amazon using this link. I get a percentage of whatever you buy, without any extra cost to you. I don’t see any personal information either.
- Make a one-time donation via PayPal!
- Send me a gift from my Amazon Wishlist! I like gifts.

- Contact me about digital and watercolor art commissions or freelance writing.
Want to support Clattertron without spending money?
- Share links to my comics and blog posts on Facebook, Twitter, or anywhere else. Don’t just upload the image files of my comics: include a link back to its page here (this helps A LOT).
- Follow the Clattertron Facebook page and share some of my updates, or invite your friends to Like the page too.
- Follow me on Twitter and retweet my updates! Easy!
- Follow Clattertron on Tapastic. Like and share my comic updates.
- Follow Clattertron on Tumblr. Reblog or like my comic posts.
- Sign up for Clattertron email updates and never miss any comic or blog updates. Forward one to a friend!
- Link to my comics or blog posts on StumbleUpon, reddit, and other social media websites. Remember: use a link, don’t upload the JPG or PNG of my comics.
- And the most important way to support me: come back every week and keep reading!