Fan Photo: Clattertron Cartoons and Stickers in a School Locker
[dc]I[/dc] got a pleasant surprise a few weeks ago. No, not a shoebox full of twenty-dollar bills (but by all means send me such a surprise). A photo! A photo of some of my watercolor cartoons and stickers inside a fan’s locker at school.
I’ve said before how often kids (under 18) buy my cartoons, comics, and stickers at shows. This is part of the reason I try to keep things all ages around here. ¹
Here’s the photo.

You can buy your own via my Etsy shop.
Top to bottom, that’s a sticker of Guilt Trip Ghost in Space and Anachronism Khan Rides Again.² The purple mini-watercolor cartoon is one of Guilt Trip Ghost, with a silly Batman underneath—amusingly, both have ‘call your mother’ jokes.³ The brown and green cartoon is a cluster of little dinosaurs (I inked the dinos on top of splashes of green).
Always nice seeing my stuff out in the wild. I rarely find out what people do with the art they buy from me at my appearances. This photo gives me a fun anecdote to share with guests at my table too. “Dress up your locker!”
I’m very happy to see my art displayed in such an important place. I remember decorating my locker in school with fun items, although I am at a loss to come up with any specific examples on the spot (I had a Joel and the ‘bots of MST3K photo up at one point for sure. Probably several Detroit Red Wings photos too).
I’m guilty of buying art at shows and never displaying it anywhere (I own a pair of Jeremy Bastian prints from last year’s MSU Comics Forum I have yet to hang up). So, good on this fan to decorate her locker with my funny drawings. Whenever I’m feeling down, I can just look at this photo and feel better knowing someone liked my cartoons enough to look at them everyday.
¹ Younger readers probably don’t always get my jokes, but if they like the art on my table enough to buy it at shows, that’s fine by me.
² Maybe I should do a new Anachronism Khan strip. Maybe.
³ I could keep a therapist busy for years.