It’s a good place to start looking, I guess.

Good news alert!

First: I won my first ever art festival award recently. Read all about it.

B: You can buy signed and sketched in copies of the Foxes & Boxes book via my Etsy shop now (which is back open, and I will be adding new stuff soon). I can personalize the copy however you want, and I’ll throw in a button or sticker and some other goodies too.

Regular versions of the book are also for sale on Amazon.

III: After my first weekend off since JUNE, I’m back in the art festival saddle this weekend with ArtFeast in Lansing’s Old Town. Guess what? After this weekend I don’t have an event for OVER A MONTH! That would be Capital City Comic Con in East Lasing on September 21st. ArtFeast is one day only, so come on out while you can.

Comic Transcript: Foxes & Boxes #143

Fox: Another problem solved!
Boxes: Now just have to find that temple…

Cloudy: Maybe it’s behind the giant column of green smoke?
::Fox and Boxes are in the background. The mirerat is still knocked out cold behind them, snoring::

::Fox, Boxes, Cloudy stand before a towering column of green, swirling smoke::