Look, I just wanted to draw a bird in a funny hat.

It’s been a bit since we last saw Hammer and Lindsey, over a year in fact (page 88!). The birdie is referring to Gravy’s little “run in” on page 126. Troy’s Bucket first appeared allllll the way back on page 35.

If you came out to ArtFeast last weekend, thanks for stopping by! If not, you can see me at Capital City Comic Con on September 21st. Yes, more than a month between two events! Whatever will I do? Sleep, probably. Hopefully.

Comic Transcript: Foxes & Boxes #144

::exterior view of the Hammer’s Nails headquarters.::
Hammer: What?!

Hammer: Fox and Boxes went to Ruston?!

Lindsey: A little birdie told me!

Birdie: Overheard it at Troy’s Bucket, I did!

Birdie: A stompy stranger in a weird helmet was looking for ’em!